The Chilean Pipe Organ Site
(preliminary english version)

Site Map

Site Map

The The Chilean Pipe Organ Site was created in May 2001, with the intention publishing the content of the book Organos de Santiago written by Professor Miguel Castillo Didier. Professor Castillo generously agreed to publish parts of his book on this web site.   more...


   Events (Organ Concerts)

   organ listing by builder
   organ listing by preferred use
   organ listing by location
   the chilean organ catalogue

   About this web site, and the authors
   Los órganos de Cavaillé-Coll (1811-1899) en Chile
   John Moir, Organero en Chile
   PostScriptum-- John Moir, Organero en Chile ¿Tubos Robados?
   Organum Tubulatum (spanish).
   Organo Morettini de la Iglesia San Agustín. (Spanish)
   Orestes Carlini: Documentos de la construcción del Órgano de la Catedral de Antofagasta

   Chilean organ music composers

   Organ performers

Subsequently, the content was corrected and expanded with information provided by various people, among whom stands out Dr Luis González Catalán, great organist and organ builder, whose doctoral thesis deals with organs in Chile.

We have compiled more information about the organ builders which are mentioned, as can be seen in the "Organ Registry by Builder".

After twenty three years on the Internet, and with over 150,000 page views, we have decided modify the presentation format, to be able to access it from mobile phones, an ongoing process which will be published shortly.

The The Chilean Pipe Organ Site does not have any form of financial support.