The Chilean Pipe Organ Site
(preliminary english version)

the chilean organ catalogue

Santos Angeles Custodios


This instrument, with mechanical transmissions, was built by the organ builder Alberto Mateo Poggi, of Buenos Aires, in 1894, and was inaugurated on June 26, 1895, according to the testimony left by its builder inside the organ.

It is currently in use, almost a century after its construction.

   Site Map

Builder ....   Alberto Mateo Poggi, (Buenos Aires)
Built ....   1894
City ....   Santiago
Location ....   Parroquia de los Santos Angeles Custodios,
Rodolfo Vergara 0252, Fono 204 1588,
Santiago de Chile
Photograph ....   Miguel Castillo
Information ....   Miguel Castillo

(I) Gran Órgano (58 Keys)
1 -  Bourdon 16'   
2 -  Principal 8'   
3 -  Salicional 8'   
4 -  Celestial 8'   
5 -  Octava 4'   
6 -  Clarinete 16'   
7 -  Tromba 8'   

(II) Positivo (expresivo) (58 Keys)
1 -  Flûte Harmonique 8'   
2 -  Flûte 8'   
3 -  Bourdon 8'   
4 -  Gambe 8'   
5 -  Flûte 4'   
6 -  Lleno (II-III)   

(P) Pedal (32 Keys)
1 -  Bourdon 16'   
2 -  Bourdon 8'   

          I - P
          II - P
          II - I