The Chilean Pipe Organ Site
(preliminary english version)

organ listing by builder

Iglesia de las Hijas de San Jose


This instrument was built by the Steinmeyer House of Oettingen, Germany, in 1911.   more...

It is preserved in good condition and is used regularly for worship.

Its artistic use has been very limited

   Site Map

Builder ....   Steinmeier (Oettingen Alemania)
Built ....   1911
City ....   Santiago
Class ....   Religious Organizations
Location ....   Iglesia de las Hijas de San Jose
Agustinas N° 2874 Santiago de Chile
Fono:681 0762
Photograph ....   Miguel Castillo
Information ....   Miguel Castillo

(I) Hauptwerk (56 Keys)
1 -  Bourdon 16'   
2 -  Principal 8'   
3 -  Conzert Flöte 8'   
4 -  Gedakt 8'   
5 -  Quintatön 8'   
6 -  Viola da Gamba 8'   
7 -  Dolce 8'   
8 -  Octav 4'   
9 -  Rohrflöte 4'   
10 -  Quinte 2 2/3'   
11 -  Super Octav 2'   
12 -  Mixtur 1 1/3'   (III)
13 -  Clarinete 8'   

(II) Schwellwerk (56 Keys)
1 -  Stillgedakt 16'   
2 -  Principal 8'   
3 -  Jubal Flöte 8'   
4 -  Bourdon 8'   
5 -  Salicional 8'   
6 -  Voix Celeste 8'   
7 -  Traverse Flöte 4'   
8 -  Fugara 4'   
9 -  Sesquialtera 2 2/3' + 1 3/5   (II)
10 -  Flageolet 2'   
11 -  Trompette 8'   
12 -  Harmonique 8'   
13 -  Schalmei 8'   

(P) Pedal (30 Keys)
1 -  Contrebasse 16'   
2 -  Soubasse 16'   
3 -  Bourdon Basse 16'   
4 -  Hohlflöte 8'   
5 -  Violoncello 8'   
6 -  Choral Bass 5'   
7 -  Posaune 8'   

          I - P
          II - P
          II - I
          II Super - II
          II Sub - II