The Chilean Pipe Organ Site
(preliminary english version)

organ listing by builder

Iglesia Luterana Comunidad de la Trinidad


This small organ was built by the Steinmeyer House of Oettingen, Germany, around the year 1958.   more...

Since then he has been regularly at the service of the cult and has also served in non few occasions for the presentation of organ music recitals and organistic-instrumental.

Between 1970 and 1973, the regular concerts of the Association of Organists, that were given in the Antigua Iglesia de las Agustinas, in the center of Santiago, were repeated in this church, for the residents of Ñuñoa and nearby communes

   Site Map

Builder ....   Steinmeier (Oettingen Alemania)
Built ....   1958
City ....   Santiago
Class ....   Church Organs
Location ....   Iglesia Luterana Comunidad de la Trinidad
J. Enrique Concha N°121 Santiago de Chile
Fono:209 4956
Photograph ....   Miguel Castillo
Information ....   Miguel Castillo

(I) Manual (56 Keys)
1 -  Gedakt 8'   
2 -  Rohrflöte 4'   
3 -  Principal 2'   
4 -  Scharf (II)   

(P) Pedal (30 Keys)
1 -  Soubass 16'