The Chilean Pipe Organ Site
(preliminary english version)

the chilean organ catalogue

Iglesia Anglicana Saint Paul de Valparaiso


Extracted from "The Organs of Valparaíso (1st part)."

During the time of the military government (app. in 1974) the church suffered a "takeover" by the congregation of a peripheral evangelical church, and consequently, most of the valuables that are found there were stolen, among them, the organ pipes that were sold for scrap, and wooden ones to make bonfires at night.   more...

Fortunately, these people did not manage to open the expressive box, and most of the pipes who were inside it were saved from being crushed, turned into a bundle and sold.

We were trying to restore it, but the work had to be suspended due to lack of budget.

   Site Map

Builder ....   Forster_Andrews
Built ....   ?
City ....   Valparaiso
Class ....   Church Organs
Location ....   Iglesia Anglicana Saint Paul
Cerro Concepcion
Photograph ....   Ramón Sernuda
Information ....   Ramón Sernuda

(I) Choir Organ (? Keys)
1 -  Lieblich Gedackt 8'   
2 -  Viola di Gamba 8'   
3 -  Dulciana 8'   
4 -  Flauto Traverso 4'   
5 -  Harmonic Piccolo 2'   
6 -  Cremona 8'   
7 -  Orchestral Oboe 8'   

(II) Great Organ (? Keys)
1 -  Double Open Diapason 16'   
2 -  Open Diapason 8'   
3 -  Holfloete 8'   
4 -  Flute Harmonique 8'   
5 -  Principal 4'   
6 -  Waldfloete 4'   
7 -  Octave Quint 2 2/3'   
8 -  Fifteenth 2'   
9 -  Trumpet 8'   

(III) Swell Organ (? Keys)
1 -  Lieblich Bourdon 16'   
2 -  Open Diapason 8'   
3 -  Rohrfloete 8'   
4 -  Eco Gamba 8'   
5 -  Voix Celeste 8'   
6 -  Gemshorn 4'   
7 -  Doublette 2'   
8 -  Sesquialtera II   
9 -  Contra Fagot 16'   
10 -  Cornopean 8'   
11 -  Oboe & Bassoon 8'   

(P) Pedal (? Keys)
1 -  Contra Bass 32'   
2 -  Open Diapason 16'   
3 -  Violone 16'   
4 -  Lieblich Bourdon 16'   
5 -  Violoncelle 8'   
6 -  Bass Flute 8'   
7 -  Posaune 16'   

          II - I
          I - III
          II - III
          III - P
          I - P
          II - P
          III Super - III
          III - III
          III Sub - III
          P Super - P