The Chilean Pipe Organ Site
(preliminary english version)

organ listing by preferred use

Galpón de Culiprán


This instrument is installed in the "Galpón de Culiprán", in the town of Culiprán, adjacent to Melipilla.


The instrument was built from two organs: the organ of the Seminary of the Redemptorists of Saint Bernard, built by A. Commaille de Bordeaux, built around 1890, and an organ built around 1930 by Oreste Carlini for the Religious of Providence, and donated by them to the parish priest of the Sacred Heart of Jesus of Traiguén in 1976.

The latter was a pneumatic transmission instrument and had 11 registers, two manual keyboards and pedal.

Its current owner, Dr Carlos Lauterbach, acquired the Commaillie organ after the 1985 earthquake, rescuing it the chest base, the console and some flutes that survived. The Carlini organ was acquired in the Parish of Traiguén, when this one was put up for sale.

   Photographs of the organ of the Commaillie organ of the Redemptorist Fathers of Saint Bernard after the 1985 earthquake

With the sound material coming from these two organs, Dr. Luis González has designed a mechanical transmission instrument, with 20 registers with 15 rows of pipes, Very interesting and balanced layout. To complete the construction, Dr Lauterbach He commissioned the making of 80 missing flutes from the German factory Laukhuff.

   Commaillie photographs, during its assembly in a private residence in Santiago, in 2000

The instrument is installed, in a fully functional state, in an auditorium built in said location to install the instrument.
   Photographs of the organ during its assembly in the Culiprán Shed, in 2015

The transmissions have been renewed, transforming them into electro-mechanical transmissions controlled by a digital system. The design of the transmissions was carried out by Dr. Carlos Lauterbach, with materials acquired from a North American supplier.

This type of transmission grants multiple resources to the organist.

   Site Map

Builder ....   Auguste Commaille, (Bordeaux)
Built ....   ~ 1900
City ....   Culiprán, comuna de Melipilla
Class ....   Home Organs
Designer ....   Luis Gonzáles, 1990
Location ....   El Galón de Culiprán, (Meliplla, Chile)
Photograph ....   Alejandro López y Carlos Lauterbach
Rebuilt ....   Luis Gonzáles & Carlos Lauterbach, 1990
Carlos Lauterbach, 2016
Information ....   Carlos Lauterbach

(I) (56 Keys)
1 -  Bourdon 16'   (63 notes)
2 -  Montre 8'   
3 -  Flute a Chimenee 8'   
4 -  Prestant 4'   
5 -  Sesquialtera 2 2/3 - 1 3/5'   (44 notes)
6 -  Octavin 2'   

(II) (56 Keys)
1 -  Bourdon 8'   
2 -  Gamba 8'   
3 -  Voix Celeste 8'   (44 Notes)
4 -  Flute (chimenee) 4'   
5 -  Principal 2'   
6 -  Plein Jeu 1 1/3'   (II)
7 -  Basson et Hautbois 8'   

(P) Pedal (27 Keys)
1 -  Soubasse 16'   (Ext. Bourdon 16')
2 -  Principal 8'   (Ext. Montre)
3 -  Bourdon 8'   (Ext. Bourdon 16')
4 -  Octave 4'   (Ext. Prestant)
5 -  Flute 4'   (Ext. Bourdon 16')
6 -  Flute 2'   (Ext. Bourdon 16')
7 -  Basson 8'   (Ext. Basson)

          II Super
          II Unison Off
          II Sub
          II - I
          II Super - I
          II Sub - I
          I Super
          I Unison Off
          I Sub
          I Super - P
          I - P
          II Super - P
          II - P
          Panic    Pánico    silencia todos los sonidos del órgano
          Ap I    AutoPedal    pedalera al primer teclado (acoplamiento inverso)
          Ap II    AutoPedal    pedalera al segundo teclado (acoplamiento inverso)