The Chilean Pipe Organ Site
(preliminary english version)

organ listing by builder

Catedral de Concepción


This organ was built for the seminary of the archdiosese of Concepción by the famous Italo-Argentine organ builder Oreste A. Carlini, who built more than 40 pipe organs in Chile.   more...

As a consequence of the 1939 earthquake, the seminary chapel, where The organ was located, it was seriously damaged, and was later demolished.

The organ, which fortunately remained intact, was transferred to the high choir of the Cathedral of Concepción, and installed on the right side of the tribune so as not to obstruct the stained glass.

The ecclesiastical authority of the Archdiocese of Concepción, decided to entrust the restoration and renovation work of the organ to the González Catalán brothers.

In various stages of work (1997 and 1999, 2001), the powerful and once a sweet instrument, it was meticulously restored by the González organ builders, who restored all the splendor to the multifaceted instrument.

Finally, on August 17, 2001, this beautiful organ was inaugurated with a busy concert by Dr. Luis González Catalán.

   Site Map

Builder ....   Oreste Carlini, (Santiago)
Built ....   ~1930
City ....   Concepción
Class ....   Cathedral Organs
Location ....   Catedral de Concepción
Photograph ....   Carlos Weil
Restauration ....   Dr Luis González y sus hermanos, 1997, 1999, 2001
Information ....   Gaspar González Baez

(I) Gran Órgano (58 Keys)
1 -  Bourdone 16'   (a chimenea)
2 -  Montre 8'   
3 -  Flûte Harmonique 8'   
4 -  Salicional 8'   
5 -  Prestant 4'   
6 -  Plein Jeu (III)   

(II) Rčcit-Expresif (58 Keys)
1 -  Principal Violon 8'   
2 -  Viola Gambe 8'   
3 -  Vox Celeste 8'   
4 -  Cor de Nuit 8'   
5 -  Flûte Octaviante 4'   
6 -  Trompette 8'   
7 -  Basson y Hautbois 8'   

(P) Pedal (20 Keys)
1 -  Sousbasse 16'   
2 -  Violoncello 8'   

          I - P
          II - P
          II Super - P
          II - I
          II Super - I
          II Sub - I